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The Apple Tree Initiative

at Appledore Primary School
About us

A few years ago, Appledore Primary School began the process of developing a centre for enrichment and empowerment. Set within the school grounds, it would offer alternative learning spaces to meet the unique needs of every learner, whilst also promoting community spirit, sustainability and eco-awareness.  An experimental space for teachers, pupils, trainee educators and community members to come together, to develop innovative ways to exchange knowledge and share interests.

This website is an invitation to explore the initiative we are developing, and to find out how you can become a part of this great adventure.

The Appledore School Discovery Centre

We are currently fundraising for a new building in the school grounds, focusing on innovative engagement with sustainability, science, technology, engineering and maths for primary children their families and the wider community.

Click below to find out more about this building, and how it fits into our 11-point plan for enhancing the delivery of engagement with STEM and education for sustainability.

What animals have been visiting our school grounds at night?

Click below to see photos of some of the animals that have been visiting when we have all gone home.

The planning team

In taking a fresh look at outdoor learning, it seemed obvious that we should start the process by listening to children, and that is what we did. We invited every child in the school to contribute ideas on playing and learning outdoors. The response was amazing. The children wrote about what they enjoy and how they feel when outdoors. Some gave us illustrated lesson plans, others expressed deep, emotional responses to being in nature. Their words and pictures, together with discussions, offered a clear road-map for how to make our outdoor learning relevant and responsive. Their ideas are woven into every aspect of this initiative.